How to use Blackspace with Docker

Docker is great to get started in minutes with just a few commands. Follow this guide to set up and start Blackspace locally. By the end, you will be able to send and query data to backend services using the REST API.

Install Docker

Before we start, you will need to install Docker. You can find guides for your platform on the official documentation.

Blackspace Backend Service Images

With Docker installed, you will need to pull All Blackspace Backend Service Images and create a container. You can do both in one command using docker run:

git clone BlackspaceInc/BlackspacePlatform
make clean
make up

Container status

You can check the status of your container with docker ps. It also lists the ports we published:

docker ps
dd363939f261 blackspaceInc/frontend-service "/app/bin/go -m io…" 3 seconds ago Up 2 seconds 8812/tcp, 9000/tcp frosty_gauss
dd363939f262 blackspaceInc/company-service "/app/bin/go -m io…" 3 seconds ago Up 2 seconds 8813/tcp, 9001/tcp frosty_gauss
dd363939f263 blackspaceInc/user-service "/app/bin/go -m io…" 3 seconds ago Up 2 seconds 8813/tcp, 9002/tcp frosty_gauss
dd363939f264 blackspaceInc/auth-service "/app/bin/go -m io…" 3 seconds ago Up 2 seconds 8813/tcp, 9003/tcp frosty_gauss

Importing data and sending queries

🎉 Congratulations, you have a running QuestDB server. You can now start to interact with it:

Data persistence

Restart an existing container

When you stop the container, it will not be removed by Docker. This means that you can restart it anytime and your data will be accessible:

Start container from the ID obtained with 'docker ps'
docker start dd363939f261

Re-run docker run

If you re-run the command:

docker run -p 9000:9000 -p 8812:8812 blackspaceInc/frontend-service

A new container will be created for the microservice image. This means that the container will be fresh, any data you may have created previously won't be accessible.