Naming convention

Our conventions improve consistency and ensure that we have optimal SEO.

New page

File name (kebab-case, no uppercase here, the same rule applies to blog posts)


A descriptive title (No Pascal Case)

Markdown attributes

  • id: please do NOT set the id, Docusaurus will automatically compute it from the file path and name.
  • sidebar_label: Custom name, do not set if it is the same as title, Docusaurus will automatically fallback to it.


Images should always be inserted in markdown, not HTML:

[Image description](path/to/img.jpg)

The description is important, it will populate the alt attribute which improves SEO.


Links should always be inserted in markdown, not HTML:

[link text](https://path/to/resource.html)

Please use meaningful wording for the link text, content such as "here" or "click here" is forbidden since it will negatively impact SEO.