Blackspace Platform

Blackspace is the fastest social ecommerce solution for minority owned business owners

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Built for scale

Low Latency High Throughput System

Privacy Focused Platform

Enforced Atomicity & Consistency

Distributed Large Scale System

Built in Typescript & Golang

A code editor with a chart that shows the result of the query

Optimized To Serve Businesses

Rich Business Analytics

Granular Inference On Product Performance

Historical Analysis Of Buy Patterns

Immediate Consistency & Real Time Insights

A code editor containing a SQL statement

Social Commerce

Community Based Shopping Experiences

Community Driven Reviews

Intimate Feedback Loop

Hyper Connected Customer Base

Blackspace Customer E2E Buy Experience

Blackspace is attempting to revolutionize the shopping experience of consumers by both enabling them to better find businesses of interested as well as allowing such consumers to share ideas and shop in communities

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Sign Up Using OAUTH (Google/Github/...etc);
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Custom Auth. Or
Sign Up Using OAUTH (Google/Github/...etc);
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-- Search Products & Businesses
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Engage Community Discussions;
-- Review & Follow
Review Products & Sellers
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Engage Community Discussions;

Magnifying glass iconOnboard

Create a user account on the blackspace platform

Knife iconSearch Products & Businesses

Query for businesses or products of interest & search associated engaging in dialogue about the given product/business

Indication arrow iconConnect & Buy

Connect with the business selling the product of interest if interested. Engage in a transaction that fits your needs.

Two overlapping squaresReview & Follow

Continue engagement with the business both directly and indirectly through the various blackspace communities discussing the product you bought.

Why Blackspace?

Use Cases